Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Boycott Play.com and Amazon (who will actually sell anything apparently!)

Morning all,

I’ve been away in the Cotswolds all weekend, totally cut off from the world aside from the occasional text, so I’m not going to touch Saturday night with a bargepole.

Ok, one thing. “That” chant by the United scum towards Wenger.

After going unchecked by the FA, MUFC officials or the media for the best part of a decade, it’s finally gone too far:


That's right, it’s now available from Play.com as a download.

There have been some calls to revive certain chants relating to Munch in retaliation. However, before we stoop to United’s level, how about bringing this filth to the public eye? Simply copy this email below (courtesy of Fuse from the Online Gooner forum)

To whom it may concern

I am writing in relation to this product: http://www.play.com/Music/MP3-Download-Album/4-/7944338/Manchester-United-Chants/Product.html. In particular to track no.4.

I am a fan of Arsenal Football Club and I have heard this vile, disgusting chant has been sung at the manager of our club. I believe that paedophilia is one of the worst things that any human being can do and to accuse someone of it just because of a dislike of another football team is disgraceful.

Therefore, I was in disbelief when I found out that this "chant" was on sale on your highly respected website. I request that it is taken down now and a complaint is brought to the manufacturer of this CD. I and many other Arsenal supporters will not use your site again until this is dealt with.

I look forward to hearing from you in the future.

Then sent to these select addresses below:

To: play@hillandknowlton.com; customercare@play.com
Cc: marketing@arsenal.co.uk; membership@manutd.co.uk;footballforall@thefa.com; info@premierleague.com; lma@lmasecure.com;richard.bevan@lmasecure.com

Use this form to contact Amazon.

An email sent to Amazon in reference to the same got this, frankly stunning response:

Dear Customer

Thank you for writing to Amazon.co.uk with your concerns about one of the titles we list in our catalogue.

This is an issue we take very seriously and we wanted to share with you our goals with respect to our catalogue.

Our goal is to support freedom of expression and to provide customers with the broadest selection possible so they can find, discover and buy any title they might be seeking. That selection may include titles, which some people, may find distasteful or otherwise objectionable.

Amazon.co.uk believes it is censorship not to offer for sale certain titles with repugnant or distasteful content, and we would be rightly criticised if we did so. As a result, we will continue to make controversial works available in the UK and everywhere else, except where they are prohibited by law.

Furthermore, because we strongly believe that the appropriate response to distasteful or repugnant speech is not censorship, but more speech, we will continue to allow readers, authors, and publishers to express their views freely about the books and other products we offer on our website. It is important to note that we do not endorse any opinions expressed by individual authors, musical artists, or filmmakers.

We value all feedback from our customers, and I thank you again for taking the time to send us your comments about this issue.

We hope you will allow us to continue to serve you.
Please let us know if this e-mail answered your question:
If yes, click here:


If not, click here:

Please note: this e-mail was sent from an address that cannot accept incoming e-mail.
To contact us about an unrelated issue, please visit the Help section of our website.

Warmest regards
Ram K.
We're Building Earth's Most Customer-Centric Company

I’m not sure whats more stunning. The fact that Amazon are happy selling this, citing ‘freedom of speech’ or the fact that they ended it with “warmest regards”! Utter tossers!

That’s my custom gone, c**ts. If this hasn’t been dealt with by the powers that be by the time of United home, then come here for some ‘select’ songs for the match.

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Play have since removed the downloads, Amazon however…….

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